"Chronicles of She" is a captivating YouTube channel that takes viewers on a magical journey aboard the classic 1976 superyacht, Sea Breeze III. Narrated by the vessel herself, with a persona reminiscent of Dame Judy Dench—elegant, English, and with a cheeky sense of humour—this channel offers a unique blend of maritime adventure, lifestyle, and transformation.
The series chronicles the life of Charlotte Devereux who has a deep-seated love for the sea, as she embarks with her partner on the ambitious project of restoring Sea Breeze III. Each episode is a blend of the past and present, weaving together the yacht's rich history with the Charlottes modern-day endeavors to bring her back to her former glory with her adventures along the way. Sharing wellbeing tips, food, fashion, interior while also utilising her resources at sea and local islands she visits.
"Chronicles of She" is more than just a restoration story; it's a celebration of maritime heritage, craftsmanship, and the joy of life on the water. The channel invites viewers to experience the beauty of the sea, the thrill of discovery, and the warmth of a community united by a love for sailing. With its engaging storytelling, stunning visuals, and a touch of humor, "Chronicles of She" is a must-watch for anyone who dreams of casting off the lines and setting sail on their own nautical adventure or simply loves the ocean
Welcome aboard!.